3 Crucial Ways Your Dental Practice Can Benefit From Digital Marketing

Why Starting A Blog Can Boost Your Dental Practice’s Revenue

If you’re a Perth dentist, the idea of writing blog posts may not be something that is uppermost in their minds, however, if they want to enhance their business’s online presence which can ultimately lead to increased patient numbers, then it is something they should consider.

Having a blog does not mean that it is the dentists or even anyone who works at that dental practice who must write the posts. There are thousands of online freelance writers who can create excellently written blog posts regularly, and for a surprisingly small fee.

What the blog posts they write might contain, will relate to dental health and treatments, but that is just the general subject. Individual posts can be written in all sorts of ways, such as the list below.

  • Dental Health Advice
  • Treatment Case Studies
  • Interviews With Patients/Staff/Dentists
  • Opinions On The Latest Treatments
  • ‘How To’ Dental Care Guides
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Industry News
  • Dental Practice News
  • Quizzes
  • Fun Posts/Funny Stories/Quizzes

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Can Your Business Website Have An Impact On Your Bottom Line?

Businesses, with their aim to have a highly effective website design, invest thousands of dollars on their business sites. They use techniques to make their sites effective and user friendly. Some businesses actually ruin the look of their decent sites by addition of distracting features, just for the sake of re-designing. However, to tell you the truth, investing huge chunks of money isn’t all that matters.

You need to be diligent when it comes to your business website. Every single feature you’re changing or keeping on your site has a direct impact on the bottom line of your business. The business website is aimed at benefiting you. Therefore, disturbing the whole design and then re-designing it, is not your target. You need to make sure that no matter what the design of your website is, it must not affect the bottom line of your site.

To maintain the impact of your site on bottom line, you first need to understand how website impacts it. Here’s how your website impact the bottom line of your business.

Makes an Impression in the Corporate Market

Your goal is obviously to maintain your business impression in the market. A business with good reputation is expected to have a strong online reputation as well. This is where your website comes in. If your website seems as updated as your offline reputation, your image will be strong in the eyes of your customers. People prefer analysing your business status by websites.

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How To Pursue A Career As A Digital Marketer

How To Pursue A Career As A Digital Marketer

Whilst we might be somewhat biased, we have no hesitation in saying that choosing to follow a career in digital marketing at Northland Asset Group is one of the best life decisions any individual can make. One of many reasons we say that is quite simple is that being a digital marketer can help others, particularly business owners, fulfil their ambitions to have a profitable and successful business thanks to creating a digital marketing campaign that generates vast ROIs.

Of course, there are many other reasons a digital marketing career is gratifying, but before you can get to that point, you must embark on that career. When considering pursuing any career, getting professional advice from career coaches from places such as Pillentum is a great way to get a head start. This brings us to the first question that many will have: ‘ How do I get started in digital marketing?’.

Starting A Digital Marketing Career

Unlike many other worthwhile professions, digital marketing has more than one route to entry, all of which are valid. Going to college or university to gain marketing and communication qualifications up to and including a degree is the route many follow. From this, they may apply to a marketing agency for a trainee position, which could include an internship. This would provide valuable experience, especially in dealing with clients.

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3 Crucial Ways Your Dental Practice Can Benefit From Digital Marketing

How Dentists Can Use Email Marketing To Encourage Patient Loyalty And Boost Revenue

Research into digital marketing highlights that email marketing is one of the most used and most successful means of marketing online, and it is a strategy that dentists seeking to expand their business should be using. It may get some negative press due to spam, but email remains one of the best ways to communicate with both existing and potential clients.

Firstly, we are not suggesting that dentists start emailing either their current patients or local prospects randomly and indiscriminately. Apart from the fact that this will never work, it is also the fastest way to have an email account closed down. These are the tactics of spammers and nefarious entities, so avoid this.

Instead, if you want email marketing to create positive outcomes you must approach it strategically, and have it set up properly from the outset. First, you need an autoresponder service that you can use to manage your email marketing. Autoresponder services are what you use to store and manage all your email subscribers, create email campaigns, write your emails in advance, and set the times for those emails to be sent.

Your choice of an autoresponder is important because its reputation can influence the level at which your emails avoid going directly into a subscriber’s spam folder. Some examples of autoresponder services that are popular and reputable include:

  • Aweber
  • GetResponse
  • Mail Chimp
  • Active Campaign
  • Hubspot
  • Convertkit
  • Constant Contact

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3 Crucial Ways Your Dental Practice Can Benefit From Digital Marketing

3 Crucial Ways Your Dental Practice Can Benefit From Digital Marketing

Whilst your dentist practice aims to treat its patients and promote oral health, the stark truth is that without any form of marketing and promotion, there will be very few new patients to replace those patients who leave or the means to grow your business. While word of mouth can add to your patient numbers, this is rarely enough, especially if other dental practices, aka your local competition, are marketing themselves.

In this internet age, one of the most effective ways to grow a business, including a dentist’s practice, is through digital marketing. Surveys show that over 60% of the population are active Internet users, so if any business, including yours, is not using the Internet to market itself, it has little chance of growing or competing with its competitors.

It is all the more baffling why any dental practice would not use digital marketing because it generates several benefits. Read on, and you will discover three of the most advantageous benefits to help grow your dentist’s business, help it become the most recognised dental practice in your area, and outperform your competition.

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How To Choose The Correct Marketing Company For Your Divorce Lawyers Business

How To Choose The Correct Marketing Company For Your Divorce Lawyers Business

If you own or run a divorce lawyers business you will know the absolute importance of generating new leads and ultimately new clients for that business to thrive. No new clients mean diminishing revenue and that is a scenario that no business can survive in for very long.

Generating new leads can be done in a multitude of ways with the most obvious being marketing your divorce lawyers business. Assuming that you have more than enough to do each day and no wish to do this yourself,  the most likely solution is to employ a marketing company. The next question is, which one?

The correct choice of a marketing company is crucial for not just successful marketing campaigns and the ROI they generate, but also the good-standing of your divorce lawyers business. The last thing you want is for a marketing company to cut corners and follow so-called black hat marketing tactics, which can damage amongst other things, your reputation and your website’s ranking on Google. So, to avoid all that here is a short guide to choosing the correct marketing company.

Step #1 – Determine Your Goals

Before researching any marketing companies, you must first decide what the goals are for your marketing campaign. Marketing can be done for a variety of reasons such as branding, reputation management, and the one we have already mentioned, lead generation. Deciding if it is one of these goals or a combination of them, will enable you to better identify which marketing companies can provide the services you need to achieve your objectives.

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Revamp Your Business Website – The Checklist

As the use of social media and eCommerce prevails, businesses have begun investing a lot of their time and energy in optimizing their online websites with features such as SEO services for maximum sales and visibility. But despite that, they couldn’t drive as much traffic as they wanted to. This is because you need to give your website a facelift and make it according to the requirements of today.

Revamping your website is an attention-oriented task. You need to pay heed to details in order to get all the things on your checklist to be included in the website. But before you proceed, let’s find out the important features that you must have on your checklist while you’re upgrading your site.

Is Your Business Name and Logo Attractive and Memorable?

Many business websites go for highly complicated business names, but it is not a good practice. The name of your business must be simple and understandable. It should make sense and relate to your business activities. Moreover, the business logo must be attractive and memorable at the same time. If you have a logo that appeals to your customers, it may force them to visit your website for once. But if it is memorable too, it will remain in their minds, insisting them to come to you again.

Is Navigation Simple?

In today’s busy lives, customers prefer sites which are simple and easy to navigate, a site where all options are easily accessible with quick browsing. People give up visiting sites which are messy, complex, and slow.

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Google Penalization: Is your Business Website Penalized?

If your business website is under penalty by Google, you will never be able to achieve good search engine rankings.

People who do not have much experience online are not familiar with Google penalization and how to avoid it. Google makes lots of changes every year to their algorithms to improve the quality of their search results. As a result of these changes some websites manage to get better rankings while others start losing traffic because their search engine ranking is negatively affected by these changes.

Google Penalties: What’s the Big Deal?

Like it or not, you must admit that you cannot achieve a lot of things without Google. It is no doubt the ruling king of the World Wide Web and is the best source of getting traffic. Getting your website on the top positions improves your odds of achieving success online. Knowing which Google update penalized you makes it a lot easier for you to take corrective action.

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SEO for Law Firm

Why Should You Be Focusing On SEO For Your Law Firm?

Marketing for lawyers and law firms can be expensive. Digital marketing is a great way to waste money if it isn’t done right, and it’s costly even if you do everything perfectly. This is due to the highly competitive nature of the modern law industry, which leads to firms that are willing to pay hundreds of dollars per click for the most in-demand keywords as pointed out in the pros & cons of using Adwords.

This means that Google Adwords simply isn’t an option for small law firms with a limited marketing budget. You won’t be able to drive enough high-converting visitors to your website using AdWords marketing to make it worth your time. Even if you can, there are better ways to spend your money.

SEO Offers Great Value

SEO Perth Experts and most law firm marketing experts will agree that search engine optimisation, or SEO, is a much better way to spend your money. Basically, SEO involves actions that can help improve your website’s organic search engine rankings for relevant keywords. For example, if you run a financial law firm in Melbourne, you might want to rank highly for a keyword like ‘Melbourne financial law’. If you can achieve the top spot on the search engine results page, you will find that you’re getting a lot of relevant visitors.

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WordPress Blogger

How Can I Become A Better WordPress Blogger?

As one of the most popular content management systems in the world, WordPress is widely used by bloggers and amateur website designers & builders. It is easy to use, requires little coding or web development knowledge and its popularity means that there are thousands of online tutorials and guides available to beginners.

However, becoming a good WordPress blogger isn’t as easy as simply starting a well designed blog. Not everyone has the skills or know-how to write high quality blog articles, but the good news is that you can learn if you’re willing to put a bit of time and effort in.

Consider the following tips to help you improve your WordPress blogging skills:

  1. Put Time Into Your Headlines

The title or headline of a blog is the first thing that people read. If you can create high quality headlines that draw people in and encourage them to click on and start reading your pieces, you will find your audience increasing exponentially. Try and use catchy words, ‘clickbaity’ phrases and things that you think will appeal to your target audience.

  1. Use High Quality Images!

As the old saying goes, “an image is worth 1000 words”. If you’re serious about creating a top of the range WordPress blog or any well done web design that people actually want to read, then you need to learn how to use images effectively.

If you’re writing about a particular web topic, then consider using screenshot/screen grabs. Alternatively, take your own photos to complement your blog content or source pictures from a stock photo site online.

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Modern Responsive Website

Why Is It Important To Have A Modern Responsive Website For My Law Firm?

As a law firm, it is extremely important to build a strong online presence. Doing so will help you gain more exposure, and in turn should lead more clients through your doors. Unfortunately, a lot of lawyers underestimate the importance of having a modern, responsive website design for their website. Instead, they are working with sites that are old, outdated, and which were poorly designed to begin with. This is absolutely not good enough.

If you want to be successful as a law firm, you need to build the best website that you possible can. Make sure that it is responsive on all platforms (computer, mobile and tablet), and make sure that it looks great. Some of the reasons why a responsive modern website is essential to your law firm include:

A Responsive Site Will Encourage Visitor Engagement

In the modern world, a lot of people browse the internet from the comfort of their smartphones or tablets. However, these are significantly smaller than traditional computers, which means that websites behave differently on them.

In the past, people browsing on their mobile would have had to zoom in to read things, would have scrolled horizontally to discover all of content of a page, and probably would have ended up missing things anyway. However, this isn’t good enough anymore. If someone opens a webpage on their mobile which isn’t compatible with a mobile browser, they will simply leave. This will reduce the number of visitors engaging with your site, and will therefore impact the success of your online marketing.

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Web design

5 Tips to Make Your Website More Engaging

When employing the services of a professional digital agency to help you with your business strategy, the importance of an attractive and engaging websites can not be ignored. Businesses of all types and sizes should be concerned with their website traffic and how much traffic is generated on their sites. They tend to pay a great deal of attention on making their websites more attractive and engaging by hiring professionals for web design and content management, which of course works. However, there are some fundamentals that organizations need to keep in mind when designing website so to make them user friendly (not too complicated to navigate their way around information) and to make it engaging for the site visitors to spend adequate amount of time and effort on your website.

There are certain tips to keep in consideration so to make your business website more engaging.

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Can a Visually Attractive Website Help Attract Traffic?

Ever wondered how colours affect your mood? Both, in physical and the virtual world, colours, ambience, graphics and design are greatly appealing to the human mind and are one of the major reasons why many venues prosper in terms of customer engagement and likelihood. Aesthetically appealing web design have the power to attract customers and that might lead to successful generation of desired traffic and increased click through rates.

A website is usually the customer’s first interaction with the brand/company in today’s fast paced technological era. It defines not only the quality of design but also how much attention is paid to the details and how much effort is pooled in to engage site visitors. The look of the website says a lot about the company, the brands or its overall business.

Often dull shades are not very appealing, very loud mismatched fonts; unnecessary blank space and other faults in web design are noticed and definitely not garner a positive response. Easily remembered sites and those where the visitor would at least stay to read the information or view files have to be attractive.

Website design has a great impact on attracting website traffic, even if the content is of high quality, being embedded in wrong design would result in it losing all its charm.

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Can Your Website Be Penalised? 3 Risks You Need to Check

If you are a business owner, you need to make sure your website is not being penalised by Google or any other search engine.

With the introduction of Google’s panda, penguin and hummingbird algorithms, the rankings of different websites have drastically changed. Every time a new algorithm is rolled out, many websites go from the first page to the abyssal depths of the 10th, 100th, or 1000th page, losing traffic and visibility.

Before we really get into the details, let’s get one thing out of the way – your brand’s popularity isn’t the parameter to decide if you can be penalized or not. This could happen to any website. However, by being informed beforehand about the actions leading to such consequences, you can save your site’s credibility and reputation.

For this, you need to know the risks involved so that you can minimise the probability of your website getting penalised in the future.

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eurologo.org customer-satisfaction-really-need

Is Customer Satisfaction Really All You Need?

Many companies might believe that their customers depend upon them for products and services that they require in their daily lives, but in fact it is the companies that depend on their customers. Customers are the heart of every business and if they are not happy with your service, then there is a high chance that you will lose your place in the market. Let’s find out why it is important to focus on customer satisfaction the most.

Helps Businesses Get Good Reviews

When a business pays close attention to its customers, they are able to keep them satisfied and put a smile on their face. The customers that leave the business happily are the ones who will write good reviews for the business, making a great impression of a brand in the eyes of other customers.

Mostly customers don’t write reviews for businesses on their own, but when they have an exceptional experience with a brand, they are willing to tell others about. They are so delighted that they want others to know how well the business treated them. However, if a business doesn’t treat its customers well and doesn’t provide them the service that they expect, then they will get bad reviews from them, which will harm their reputation.

Helps Spread Positive Word-of-Mouth

Word-of-mouth marketing is growing in popularity and the reason is that customers tend to believe other customers when it comes to brands and products/services. When a business treats its customers nicely, they tell others about their experience and spread a positive word whether it be in person or on their personal social media about the brand which helps it get more customers.

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